Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Moody’s Improves Argentina Outlook

Moody’s Investors Service has raised the outlook on its B3 foreign- and local-currency rating of Argentina’s sovereign bonds from stable to positive. The change was due to “continued improvement in the fiscal accounts that, combined with robust economic growth and substantial accumulation of international reserves, has contributed to strengthening the government's overall credit profile and to reducing external vulnerabilities”, according to Moody’s. An outlook change to positive from stable was also made to Argentina’s B2 foreign currency country ceiling for bonds and to the Caa1 ceiling for foreign currency bank deposits. Unaffected by the rating action is Argentina’s Ba1 local currency bond ceiling, the highest possible rating that could be assigned to obligors and obligations denominated in local currency within the country remains stable, as well as the Ba1 local currency deposit ceiling.

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